Each week teaches a new technique and you don't need to have been at a previous class to come along. Each class teaches you all you need to know to complete a 12.5inch block.
On Friday 4th November these beginners laid out the blocks they have made so far to see how things are progressing.
Things are looking very good indeed! It's very satisfying to see such pleasing results after such a short amount of time.
If you would like to join in with these classes, just call 087 6193870 or email esterkiely@gmail.com to book your place.
On Friday 4th November these beginners laid out the blocks they have made so far to see how things are progressing.
Things are looking very good indeed! It's very satisfying to see such pleasing results after such a short amount of time.
If you would like to join in with these classes, just call 087 6193870 or email esterkiely@gmail.com to book your place.
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